Trust the nudges of your soul…
As you navigate your path there will be points in the journey where your heart and soul will nudge you to do something that doesn't make sense to the outside world or those around your. Trust these nudges. This is your intuition bringing you back into alignment with more of who you are. Initially these changes may take you into the unknown which can bring up fear. Surrender to the knowing of your soul and know that you are exactly where you are meant to be and always supported.

Ivy's story
Ivy was a very sensitive soul who was hypervigilant, highly anxious and unable to cope with visitors. Following several sessions of reiki, a custom blend of flower essences, and supporting her guardian to work with her on a daily basis, she is now living her best life

Honey’s story
Honey developed severe separation anxiety which meant that she howled loudly and constantly whenever left. Her caregivers were at their wits end and despite trying everything they could think of, and spending a small fortune on behaviouralist support, nothing changed. The stress began affecting everything including their health and relationship, and finally came to a peak when they were advised that their only option would be to have Honey put to sleep. At this point Honey’s caregiver was of course desperate and decided to explore reiki. Following just one session her progress has been incredible. Honey led the session which as always went completely at her pace. She relaxed and released a lot of trauma and energetic blocks, and today three weeks on…, I was met at the door by a completely different dog. Honey was confident, playful and relaxed, and her family have been able to take her off all her anxiety medications. She is now coping absolutely fine with being left and I could feel the incredible relief and joy of her guardian as she told me the progress that had been made. The power of this gentle therapy never fails to blow my mind.

Why i love what i do
Many have a perception of healing as the laying of hands on the body and when working with people it often does look like this, as the human has agreed and consented for this to happen. However with rescue, traumatised and fearful animals it looks very different. I work completely at the animals pace, initially purely holding space and accepting where they are at in that moment. That in itself if so powerfully healing. The animal leads the session completely and I just tune into them and 'listen' with all my senses to what they are telling and showing me. Being with them completely in the moment and facilitating the release of all blocks that no longer serve them. This happens on several levels, not only physical, but emotional and spiritual too.

This is my Mr Eric (with quite a few aliases depending on how the day progresses 😉
He and I have been on such a journey together and it hasn’t always been an easy one, but I wouldn’t change it for the world.
Eric came to me as a Foster direct from Romania. He had been rescued in a terrible state, very poorly with a bad skin condition and starving. When I saw his picture and fell in love, I had no idea how drastically my life was going to change
Over the next few months as his physical health began to stabilise, it became apparent that Eric had scars from his past that wouldn’t be so easily resolved. As he started to settle with me, the full extent of his emotional trauma began to reveal itself. Eric was reactive to everything on walks… traffic, flourescent jackets, and other dogs…, even people to a lesser extent but the wariness and mistrust was evident.
Walks went from being relaxed and fairly social at times to a steep learning curve of situations to avoid, and a daily schedule that worked around times that were the quietest to minimise the stress on both Eric and myself. I rapidly became overwhelmed and exhausted. Having a large reactive dog is not for the faint hearted, and yet this boy had come to me, and I knew he would be so misunderstood by many. I knew that it would be impossible and not in his best interests to re-home him so made the decision to adopt him as the third member of my canine family.
We were both thrust onto a very steep learning curve, and helped along the way by an earth angel disguised as a behaviourist who quite literally changed our lives and gave us hope for the future. He gave me an understanding of fear reactivity and how to manage it at a basic level. I quite literally became a doggy parent to a charge with complex additional needs.
Shortly afterwards reiki came into my life and I had no idea how beautifully the two would eventually work together. It has been initially embarked upon as a tool to manage my own stress levels. However as I began my daily self practice, it became clear how much all three dogs relaxed and put aside their daily cares. It became our little window of peace
The journey between then and now hasnt always been easy but has taught me so much and brought such an awareness of how sensitive and reaponsive animals are to energy healing, and it can help them to release old trauma blocks and rebalance their energy field, and bring them to a beautiful state of relaxation where their body, mind and spirit can begin to heal.