Much appreciated testimonials from previous clients. Thank you all for taking the time to support my work
Millie’s Mum
“Dear Jane
What a difference that healing has made to Millie!!!
She has had slow progress with the anti inflammatory, though she has gone an extra 50 yards each day, and with more ease. She has learnt that trotting does not hurt that particular sprained muscle, so, on her way back along same route by the river (she has sniffed each and every plant to oblivion), so she initiates the trot.
Well yesterday, she did not want to turn back. She went on, over the bridge over the lock, well past her last “beach” (an area of shallows she wallows in) and onwards. Down into the water meadow and on and on. I had to be sensible in the end and dictate that we must turn around, before she overdid it with her leg.
At the point of return, I wished I had put runnning gear on, and not allowed an extra two stone on in the last year. We trotted, and trotted. And stopped to greet people too scared of either her breed, or the Kung flu to reach down for a pat.
She had the most joyful walk. Her face was one of pure joy and she was not going to be sensible and turn around at a point where she had completed another 50yrds on the previous walk!
She went into the water in the river, and was so carefree she started walking out too far into the depths. This is how free she felt.
She was content for the rest of the day, and her leg, far from suffering for the long walk, actually continued to improve rapidly, to the point where for the first time, she was able to put weight on it when walking around the house, using it normally, rather than gingerly. When walking down our five steps into the sunken lounge for the first time, she used individual legs, rather than bounding down front legs together.
This is an amazing progression, and her depression has lifted and she is no longer moping.
Thank you Jane xxxx
Linda from Cornwall 12/07/21
I didn’t know anything about Reiki for animals or the Trust Technique until I came to meet Jane.
She is a lovely caring person with a heart for animals, their well-being and also their owners.
It has been amazing to witness how my dogs have responded to Jane and to see the changes in them after each session. They are much calmer, less reactive and happier in themselves.
The Trust Technique sessions with Jane have not only had a positive impact on my dogs but also on myself. Everything has changed for the better.
I would definitely recommend Jane and heartsandpawshealing.
Sam Middleton from Plymouth wrote on 7 October 2021 at 9:43 pm
For many months I had been having severe lower back pain. I had tried various things that were recommended from doctors and specialists exercising, medication, Pilates, yoga and rest. Myself and Jane have a mutual love for animals and as I began to get to know her I realised how incredibly talented she was in healing them through Reiki. Jane being the wonderful caring soul she is offered to help me as I was experiencing more pain than I had before. After one session I felt relieved of my pain I was so amazed and thankful of her talent. I now have regular treatments from Jane. She is such a calming influence and I look forward to our Reiki so much…. Thank you Jane for helping me
Rowanne Treanor from Plymouth wrote on 15 July 2021 at 9:34 am
I have to admit I was a little unsure about reki and did not know much about it before meeting Jane. But seeing Jane work with my horse and the effect on him during treatment has really let me see for myself how the treatment works. Rocky has released alot of his past emotions and is know seeming alot happier in himself. I will definitely be carrying on his treatments with Jane. Thank you Jane x
Lourdes from Kingsbridge wrote on 3 October 2021 at 9:31 pm
I contacted Jane via google as we were going on holiday to Devon. From the moment I spoke to Jane on the phone, I knew she was a very caring person and connected with her straight away. She was keen to find out everything about my dog and to try to understand her illness, my dog had been diagnosed with a rare terminal cancer in July 2021. The day we met, my dog instantly responded to her and was very relaxed in her company, so relaxed that my dog soon fell asleep and was snoring! After just one treatment I noticed a calmer dog and the following day she had more energy and was able to eat. we made another appointment for a second session at the end of the week before we left our holiday home. I have no doubt that Reiki helped my dog, she had been struggling to eat her meals and was very restless and panting excessively, which was very distressing to see. I can't recommend Jane highly enough. Janes approach is very professional, she has a calming caring nature and her gently approach is very effective and powerful . I have no doubt that with Janes energy healing helped my dog restlessness and made her more comfortable from having had the treatment. I am going to keep in touch through distant healing sessions. Thank you Jane it was a pleasure to meet you. Lourdes
Andy from Launceston wrote on 5 October 2021 at 9:34 am
Jane has given me reiki treatments in person and from distance over the past two years. She is kind, gentle and holds space for her clients. She has also treated my cat Mungo on several occasions, every time from afar. When he had enteritis I requested her help and she sent healing within the hour. My boy fell asleep and slept for several hours. On awakening he was up with purpose and finished off a full pouch of food before going out on his usual rounds. I cannot recommend Jane’s reiki service highly enough
Anne Castle from Lucas Wood wrote on 13 March 2022 at 11:54 am
Jane is a healer, she is insightful, intuitive and has a knowing of her clients needs. From my first session with Jane I have had the best nights sleep since my beautiful husband passed. Thank you
Ali from Kingsbridge wrote on 18 July 2022 at 6:43 pm
My dog went from walking 50 yards maximum after being attacked and being terrified of the sea to leaping in it and trotting for 10.000 steps over two days after one session. Need I say more about Jane. Amazing.
Heidi Mitchell from Plymouth wrote on 3 September 2022 at 9:11 pm
I have known Jane for many years now and feel so lucky to be able to have access to her wonderful gift, alongside forming a lovely friendship too. Jane has performed Reiki on my dogs and horses over the years and it is such a privilege to witness how the animals respond to her. You can see them relaxing and have a sense of release. Their body posture changes and they trust Jane very quickly. They know that Jane is helping them. Animals are so receptive to this kind of holistic healing that I have been staggered when I first saw how my horses responded with her. Our pony Huey who receives the treatment immediately will stand still and totally relax whilst receiving the treatment. Whilst Huey receives the treatment our shetland is hugely calm and has even shed a tear whilst she put her head in my arms. Jane has gifted her skills of reiki to my labrador Stanley and previously his Mum Molly. Jane instantly can pick up on what the animals need. Having this kind of treatment enables me to feel I am doing everything for my animals possible by looking at the entire picture of the animals health. I honestly couldnt rate Jane highly enough and happily recommend her to anyone who is in need of support for their animals. Jane doesn't just treat the animals but helps listen to the owners too - this is also part of the process for an owner who is worrying about their pet and being heard is invaluable to how the owner is coping. Thank you Jane for everything you have done for me and my family of animals. I dont think I have ever met anyone who is as caring and considerate as you.
Kristel from Ivybridge wrote on 24th April 2023
“ I have felt such a shift in my body since my healing with you. I have felt more peace and tranquility in my body. I feel like i have turned over a new leaf, its taking quite some getting used to! Im rushing ess, not really feeing stress, having light bulb moments and sure im on a new vibration! Thank you!”
Jacquelyn from Ivybridge wrote on 2nd May 2023
“ As someone who is extremely lucky to have gotten to know Jane in a short space of time I can honestly, hand on heart tell you that this beautiful soul has turned my life around for the better. You’d struggle to meet someone more kind, compassionate and caring. Jane’s reiki is so soothing and you feel like a new person following a treatment with her. My cat Sooty has also been lucky enough to experience Jane’s magic touch. She is usually incredibly timid but warmed to Jane straight away as I knew she would. If anyone is in doubt about having a treatment I would encourage you to get in touch with Jane. You wont regret it”
From Dawn in Ivybridge
”My recent healing session with Jane was… simply put, a beautiful experience. Jane has a gentle nurturing energy and a calming therapy space that set the scene for what was to follow. In short, I very quickly fell into a far deeper relaxation than i have enjoyed for a long time. In addition, while i was aware of and in my physical body, at the same time I felt myself above it as my higher self. Both parts of me becoming one. In the days since, some very useful insights have popped into my awareness, helping me to recognise the changes that will move me forward. I would recommend anyone looking for some ‘me’ time away from the craziness and busyness of everyday life to invest in a session with Jane.
From Bridget in Newton Abbot
“Thank you so much Jane for my recent healing session, it did me the world of good. It was just perfect. I feel energised again! If you haven’t tried it, i recommend Jane to anyone. She is fantastic.”
From Samantha North Devon
I was asked to foster a very big dog that was found a stray. I was told he was nervous in kennels that he would not leave for 5 days.He was very scared and depressed. I was concerned because I thought he was too strong for me to handle but I did the best I could. He then bit someone badly. They did not prosecute me as he said he felt he had potential if trained. He then bit someone else and the police were involved. He then attacked a coat I was wearing that had a fur hood. It was at this time I considered having him put to sleep. I took him to a local behaviorist and she said that he was traumatized and as he was so powerful he should be put to sleep as he could cause serious harm even death. This is when Jane stepped forward and offered her skills in the trust technique. Jane guide me through the process and explained the stages a dog goes through when rescued from a traumatic experience. Jane made me realize that I had to get my self in a calm state as I was very anxious. That was about a year ago and I have altered my way of being with him. He is now settled and happy and chilled out. I still keep him out of the public domain and take him to an enclosed field locally. I adopted him in the end and he is a happy boy. Thank you so much Jane, I believe you saved our lives!
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