Animals are so responsive to universal life force energy and this natural healing modality. Holding space for an animal exactly where they are at with no judgement or expectation is the most powerful healing gift we can offer
I have a specialist interest in supporting anxious/fear reactive dogs and their caregivers.
My life has always been filled with animals. As a child growing up the family on average consisted of three dogs, chickens, rabbits and tortoises. They were my greatest comfort during difficult times. I also loved spending time with horses and horse riding as a teenager. As I brought up my own family..., my dogs continued to be a big part of the journey. I look back and see the love and the lessons they have brought me, and even how they have guided me to this exact point in my life. In later years I can see that troubled dogs have been sent to me for a reason. They have been my greatest teachers and healers, and ultimately led me to explore the path of holistic animal wellness.
My three rescue dogs helped me on my healing journey as much as I helped them. I feel it was no coincidence that the universe brought me the experience of supporting a child through the challenges of the extra sensitivity that is Autism. Little did I know that the lessons learned during this time would pave the way for a greater understanding of the difficulties faced by sensitive animals or those that have been rescued from trauma.
Each of my dogs came to me at the right time and gave me and my daughter, love and a positive focus at a time when it could at times feel incredibly difficult to find one. In return, I was able to give them time, love, space and acceptance. Acceptance of the place that they are at and release of any expectation of where they 'should be' and what is 'normal' behaviour. I say this whilst hastily adding that this has not always been easy, and has been an incredibly difficult and steep learning curve at times...
I believe it is no coincidence that our animals come to us. They offer us an opportunity to grow and heal, as we do the same for them. My Animal healing journey has been an incredible one, and I still find it so humbling to watch an animal completely let go and relax when they are receiving healing. They are so incredibly sensitive to reiki…, having not built up the blocks and barriers to it that we have. In our modern culture we have lost so much of the knowledge that the ancient civilisations and even our ancestors had regarding connection to nature and the natural healing energy that is accessible to us all.
I offer healing to animals in their own home and environment, at their pace and ensuring they feel as safe and relaxed as possible. Reiki allows the release of old trauma and a natural return to balance and well - being
Animals are so much more in touch with their energy fields than we are, and therefore feel much more during a healing session. It is important that they feel seen and heard, and that the session progresses at their pace. I respect the choices of my animal clients as to how they wish to receive their treatment, and trust that they will receive exactly what they need to receive. Holding space and being in the present moment with an animal is incredibly healing in and off itself.
Reiki/energy healing is very effective for a whole range of situations and conditions
Chronic Medical conditions
Elderly animals
Separation anxiety
Fear reactivity or aggression
Newly rescued animals
Behavioural problems
Rehabilitation from trauma
Post operative recovery
End of life transition
I also work with Bach flower remedies... individually chosen and blended specifically for the needs of your animal.
Animals have so much to teach us about being present in the moment.
I didn't train in reiki initially with my animals in mind..., it was
a path I chose for my own self-healing. Then I started to notice the reactions of the dogs when I carried out treatments on friends and family, they loved it and would totally relax in a way that I had never seen before. It was then that I started to look into the benefits of energy healing for animals. It has been the most amazing experience during which I have been blessed to witness the most incredible results of this natural healing technique for animals. It is time to come back to the healing power of nature, touch and true connection and looking at the health of the whole animal. I believe we have strayed too far from this path, that our ancient ancestors understood so well.
Animal energy healing can work really well alone, or as a complementary therapy that works alongside existing medications and therapies. Not only does it reduce pain, inflammation and promote healing and relaxation, it works on the root cause and imbalance, rather than just on the surface symptoms. As a holistic therapy it enhances the general health and wellbeing of your beloved companion... working across the physical, mental, emotional and behavioral fields
Reiki also offers excellent results in ageing animals that are struggling with arthritis, and/or other chronic health conditions. Energy healing is also an excellent choice of therapy for skin conditions and those that manifest from the emotional field, such as separation anxiety, hyperactivity, and/or fear reactivity.
My specialist interest is working with animals who suffer with anxiety or fear reactivity. This is particularly common in rescue animals who have experienced multiple owners or trauma. When an animal experiences trauma, they hold that energy in the body and these blocks create imbalances that manifest as physical illness, stress, or reactive behaviour. Having had several reactive rescue dogs of my own and experienced the progress that can be made; it is so fulfilling to see an animal relax and release layers of trauma blocks and begin to open up and engage in life again.
However reiki is not a quick fix..., just as it takes time for imbalances to develop, it may take several treatments for significant results. However many animal carers do notice a distinct difference after just one or two sessions
I also work with flower essences and prepare an individual blend of the most appropriate essences for your companions unique needs as part of his treatment.
Sessions can be booked individually or a pre-booked programme of treatments.
Reiki is also not an alternative to qualified veterinary care. Animals that are injured, unwell, or suffering must always be taken to a vet. I cannot diagnose or prescribe for your animal.
Empowering animal parents to support their sensitive animals moving forward…
As well as offering energy healing to allow your dog to gently release old trauma blocks: i am passionate about empowering carers to feel more confident in supporting their sensitive animal moving forward using a variety of animal centred, force free techniques and a flower essence blend prepared for your animals specific needs.
Crucially i work with carers using the Trust technique empowering you to feel more confident as you share this precious journey, as well as enjoying feeling the bond and connection between you and your animal begin to strengthen & flourish.
Trauma Rehabilitation package
I currently offer a Trauma rehabilitation programme for anxious, reactive animals which consists of
Three foundation energy healing sessions
A complementary custom blended flower essence blend specifically selected for your animals needs
A complementary Trust technique teaching session where i will demonstrate how you can work with your animal moving forward using the Trust technique ( A simple, relaxing way of connecting with your animal that builds trust and confidence in your connection, and allows your animal to heal and grow in confidence moving forward).