Reiki restores balance and harmony within, assisting the body to remember its innate self healing ability. I work with people, children and animals in Ivybridge, Devon. I also offer flower essence therapy to support healing.

Holistic therapy allows me to see and hold space for the whole person or animal… not just a set of symptoms.

Bringing mind body and spirit into harmony and balance

My awareness of the importance of a holistic approach began not only through my experiences as a nurse for over 20 years, but also those gained as a mother. When my youngest child was 12 years old we received a late diagnosis of Autism. Overwhelmed by a society, education and environment not able to meet her needs, my daughter shut down completely. My life path changed overnight, and I spent the next five years caring and advocating for her needs within the wider systems of society.

 Witnessing my child go through this trauma, coupled with my own personal experiences have really highlighted the power of 'holding space' and meeting clients exactly where they are at, with no expectation, pressure or judgement. Prior to taking my passion for natural healing full time, I spent several years working with the elderly, including those suffering with Alzheimers. When I started using energy healing with my elderly clients, the results astounded me. To see someone come back to themselves from a place of total anxiety and overwhelm, to the energy of peace and calm so gently and naturally; after just a 15 minute session was just beautiful, and from then on I was totally hooked by this gentle but powerful therapy that can be used with the youngest and eldest of society, and the tiniest of animals with the results only ever being for the highest good.

Honoured to hold safe sacred space for you, your children and beloved animals to heal, balance and reconnect to the wisdom within

Jane - Tel 07837669391

I also have a specialist interest in working with rescued, sensitive, fear reactive and anxious animals.

My three rescue dogs helped me on my healing journey as much as I helped them. I feel it was no coincidence that the universe brought me the experience of supporting a child through the challenges of the extra sensitivity that is Autism.

Little did I know that the lessons learned during this time would pave the way for a greater understanding of the difficulties faced by sensitive animals or those that have been rescued from trauma. I have experienced the challenges of caring for a traumatised and highly reactive dog and am passionate about offering healing and support to both animal and caregiver

If you have an animal that you would like to receive holistic support, I offer reiki healing, flower essences alongside individualised advice and support… For more information please see my animal healing page.